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Essay/Term paper: The male reproductive system

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The Male Reproductive System

The male reproductive system is responsible for generating, storing, and
transporting the genetic material contained in the sperm cells. The main
organs include: testicles (or testes), the epididymides, the vas deferens, the
ejaculatory duct, the urethra, and the penis. Others are the scrotum,
urogenital opening, and the prostate gland. Testes contain two oval shaped
glands about one and a half inches long and one inch wide. The testes are
suspended in a sac called the scrotum outside the body to maintain the lower
temperature necessary for efficient sperm production. The epididmyis are long
oval shaped structures attached to the rear upper surface of each testicle,
consisting mainly of the sperm ducts of the testes. The ejaculatory duct is a
short tubule located just above the prostate gland. It is formed by the
connection on the vas deferens and the seminal vesicles, and serves to transport
spermatozoa through the prostate gland and into the urethra.


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